The Legal and Technical Commission (LTC), Finance Committee, Council and the Assembly concluded the 29th session Part II on August 2, 2024. Document and statements from the meetings are on the ISA web site. I was able to view some of the sessions via the live web TV stream. A very detailed summary report written by the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) is here.
Progress on the Draft Exploitation Regulations
The Council members completed a first reading of the consolidated text of the draft regulations for the commercial exploitation of deep-sea mineral resources in the Area (the seabed and ocean floor and subsoil thereof, beyond the limits of national jurisdiction). This was a major milestone. There are still a number of unresolved pending issues including effective control, underwater cultural heritage, equalization measures, environmental management and monitoring. There are also outstanding issues on benefit-sharing and financial mechanisms, liability and compensation. These issues will be addressed in the upcoming intersessional period in an effort to find consensus. The President of the council committed to providing a revised version of the consolidated text in November 2024, alongside a list of proposed standards and guidelines based on the revised consolidated text. The roadmap was approved with a view to adopting the draft regulations during the 30th session of the ISA in 2025.
Proposal for a General Policy for the Protection and Preservation of the Marine Environment
This was a proposal by Chile and other countries in the assembly to push for a moratorium at the ISA. This failed to reach consensus as did a request to add it to the agenda for the next (30th) meeting.
Election of the Secretary-General
Leticia Reis de Carvalho of Brazil won the election with ~70% of the vote. She will be assuming office on 1 January 2025 for her 4-year term. She was quoted in the press, “I would say the rules, regulations and procedures for mining, which are the core elements of the mining code, need to be focused on and prioritized.”
Next Meetings of the ISA
The 30th sessions of the ISA will be held in March and July 2025.