Climate Policy
Impossible Metals is committed to ensuring all aspects of its operations contribute to a low carbon future. We accept the scientific consensus as assessed by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, and are taking steps to achieve the Paris Agreement goal of limiting global temperature rise to well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels.
Impossible Metals supports the principle of intergenerational equity in relation to climate change, and understands that achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement on behalf of future generations is part of our core business.
Our Approach
Impossible Metals commits to the following objectives in relation to climate and carbon emissions:
- Ensuring our research, development, engagement and collaboration from start-up onwards is focused on low carbon energy sources and mitigation of physical climate risks;
- Declaring our target of achieving carbon neutrality by 2030, requiring our net Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions across all aspects of our operation to be zero by 2030;
- Setting ourselves the stretch target of achieving carbon neutrality from the commencement of production onwards (currently estimated for 2027/2028) – in short, by starting out how we mean to carry on;
- Collaborating with suppliers and partners to reduce emissions across our supply chain;
- Working closely with our host governments to ensure that our activities positively contribute to climate risk mitigation and adaptation strategies within our host communities and nations, and are aligned with National policies on climate risk mitigation and adaptation; and
- Ensuring that our own activities integrate physical and non-physical climate risk reduction and adaptation measures from the design phase onwards, including consideration of weather variability and potential future climate change projections.
Changes to this Policy
This policy is reviewed under Impossible Metals’s mandatory annual policy review schedule and is next due for formal review in December 2023.