Scientific Engagement

Impossible Metals is committed to designing its mining system and mining approach in a way that ensures “serious adverse impacts” and “serious harm” are engineered out, or avoided, from the design phase onwards. In developing its preliminary concept design for selective harvesting of nodules, Impossible Metals has considered the specific concerns of the scientists who signed the Seabed Mining Science Statement, as follows:
- Loss of species and populations as a result of destruction or elimination of habitat
- Production of large sediment plumes
- Interruption of ecological processes connecting midwater and benthic ecosystems
- Resuspension and release of sediment and toxins from dewatering discharge
- Noise pollution and impacts to marine species
- Impacts on carbon sequestration dynamics and deep ocean carbon storage.
Scientists with expertise in the field of benthic ecology and abyssal ecosystems, are encouraged to contact us if they would like to be involved in further scoping and subsequent environmental studies related to the selective harvesting methodology proposed by Impossible Metals.
Outcomes of engagement with scientists are shared with the wider stakeholder community by Impossible Metals and will be provided below.