Eureka II Autonomous Underwater Vehicle
Impossible Metals successfully demonstrated the Eureka II autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) on November 13, 2024, in Collingwood Harbor. This event marked a crucial step towards responsible deep-sea mining.
The event was attended by stakeholders, including exploration license holders, a regulator, an NGO, and other key participants.
Bob Galyen, retired CTO of the world’s largest battery company, CATL, hailed the demonstration, saying, “The speed of progress from Eureka I to II has been incredible.”
The demonstration also highlighted the significant cost advantage of future Eureka systems, with operational costs estimated at approximately one-third of the competition.
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Successful Shallow Water Test Demonstration of Eureka II
Check out this video from our Demo Day in November 2024, when we successfully demonstrated Eureka II, our Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV), which is a key milestone on the road to developing a full-scale, artificially intelligent deep sea mineral harvesting system that can pick up mineral-rich deep sea nodules while avoiding macrofauna, with an aim of preserving biodiversity and habitat function.
Life detection demo in the tow-tank.
Eureka II demo in harbor on 13 November 2024.